Paula Thomas is the host of Let's Talk Loyalty podcast.


#127: The Loyalty Report 2021 with Bond Brand Loyalty

As one of the world's longest standing, best known and most trusted research reports in the loyalty industry, I am delighted today to bring you the latest industry insights from “The Loyalty Report 2021". 

Featuring research with over 35,000 consumers in North America, this year marks the eleventh edition of the Loyalty Report from Bond Brand Loyalty, based on an in-depth assessment of over 450 loyalty programs in this unprecedented year of changing consumer behaviour.

I was delighted to be joined by Phil Ruben, Bond Brand Loyalty's Executive Vice President of Global Insights, who explained some of the latest ideas the research uncovered, with topics such as "share of wallet" and the importance of being loyal TO your customers (rather than simply expecting it from them) emerging as critical concepts for loyalty professionals to understand.

Catch Tuesday's short summary episode — #126: Loyalty Insights from Epsilon (Short Show Summary)