Paula Thomas is the host of Let's Talk Loyalty podcast.


#140: Sky VIP Loyalty Programme in the UK (Short Show Summary)

In 2017, the UK's largest broadcaster Sky TV, launched its VIP loyalty programme, the first tenure-based programme in the industry which promises customers that “the longer you stay, the better it gets”, with a clear intention for its customers to feel loved and appreciated.

It began by offering exclusive live experiences to over a million customers a year, and then, as a result of nationwide lockdowns, it pivoted to delivering even more extraordinary & innovative virtual experiences.

In my conversation with Rob Chandler, he shared some fascinating models on how Sky VIP thinks about loyalty and how they create new and exciting ways to really say an explicit “thank you” to its loyal customers.

Enjoy this episode of “Let's Talk a LITTLE Loyalty” for some fascinating insights on how to truly differentiate your brand, no matter how competitive the industry.

Did you miss last Thursday's episode? Listen here — #139: Data Laws and Privacy Health Checks for Loyalty Professionals