
#185: Create Emotional Loyalty With Points For Good

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By: Wise Marketer Staff |

Posted on February 10, 2022

Points for Good is a programme partner for brand loyalty programmes that allow customers to donate reward points toward a social purpose. Started in India as Points for People and expanding globally, in this episode we learned about the drivers behind this impactful programme from Brian Almeida, Founder of Points for Good.

Brands have long partnered with charities, but keeping the relationship successful long-term can be a labor-intensive task. This programme offers connections to more than 14 global charities helping children, animals, the environment and more. With more than 1,000 corporate users, Points for Good, along with brand partners and users, is making a positive difference in the world.

With a flexible platform that allows brands to customize the points structure and the charities offered, Points for Good is a great choice for loyalty managers with proven experience that satisfies an emotional loyalty connection with customers. 

Watch Tuesday's episode - #184: Hong Kong’s Groundbreaking Yuu Rewards, A Hong Kong Coalition Loyalty Program (Short Summary Show)