2017 Holiday Spending Season to See Strong Growth, Finds ETA

The Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) and The Strawhecker Group (TSG) today released their 2017 Holiday Spending Report Card that indicates an extremely healthy holiday shopping season. The report analyzes same store sales from over 3.5 million card accepting U.S. merchants to project year-over-year growth. Holiday season sales will be driven primarily from strength in the Northeast region, and growth nationally at hotels, restaurants, shoe stores and building material stores.

"Low unemployment, coupled with consumer confidence near a 17-year high, is bolstering an already healthy economy," stated Jared Drieling, Director of Business Intelligence of TSG. "Coming into this holiday season, shoppers have seen an increase in personal income – especially disposable income – which is helping build off of a 2016 holiday season that was one of the best in years."