Last year, we gathered 30 highlights from 2019 to guide your loyalty strategy in 2020 — and then the spotlight turned to Covid.

25 Customer Loyalty Highlights to Review for 2021

Last year, we gathered 30 highlights from 2019 to guide your customer loyalty strategy in 2020 — and then COVID happened. So this year, rather than doing a compilation of just the most watched videos or most read articles from 2020, we've put together a hand-picked compilation of the most relevant insights, predictions, opinions, and research to help you navigate the crosswinds and continue to push forward and adapt to change. Though not every item here may have been written in a post-COVID-world — or even mention COVID — we guarantee that the thoughts, strategies, and values within persist. And in many cases, they have only become even more important now than ever because loyalty best practices haven’t changed, they just have a spotlight on them now.

Let's kick it off with a deep dive into loyalty strategy commentary:

Airline and Travel:

  • Business Travel After COVID-19 — Commentary from Collinson on considerations for employers, business travelers, and the travel industry in response to COVID-19.

Restaurant and Dining:

Times are tough; consider gifting, social good, and employee happiness:


And to close out the compilation, here is a four-part series on Contactless Loyalty from Epsilon:

At Wise Marketer, our mission is to provide loyalty professionals with the best, unbiased loyalty commentary in the world, and true to our mission, we hope you found this compilation from diverse global loyalty leaders useful and actionable as you steer your loyalty strategy forward.