Paula Thomas is the host of Let's Talk Loyalty podcast.


#72: Global Predictions for Loyalty Marketing in 2021

This show discusses exciting global perspectives on what the year 2021 might hold for loyalty marketing, featuring four colleagues from The Customer Strategy Network (CSN) - a group of independent loyalty industry experts of which I am a founding partner.

These predictions were first written and published by The Wise Marketer, and feature predictions on data and privacy trends across Europe as well as insights from Australia where funding models have fundamentally changed for the whole loyalty industry. 

It features insights on the increasing convergence of loyalty and payments, as well as my own predictions for the year ahead from all of my own analysis, research and recent interviews.

Listen to hear our expert predictions on the future of Loyalty Marketing in 2021.

Watch episode #70 if you missed it: Ikea Family Club with Aaron Mitchell – Global VP Loyalty