Despite recent corporate financial scandals, workers' trust in corporate leaders is still strong, according to a new CareerBuilder survey, 'Life at Work'.
The survey revealed that the percentage of workers who rated their corporate leaders as trustworthy remains constant at 52%, compared with a similar survey in August 2001. Also remaining unchanged is the 51% of workers who feel that their corporate leaders have kept staff members informed regarding overall company objectives and future plans.
"With all the fear, uncertainty and doubt that exists in today's business climate, it is reassuring to note that workers still trust their corporate leaders," said Dawn Haden, a senior career advisor for CareerBuilder. "Trust is earned, not granted by a position or title. Obviously corporate leaders today have earned the trust of their workers."
Differences in trust
Some 57% of supervisors, managers, directors and vice presidents reported that they find their corporate leaders trustworthy compared with only 50% of staff members. A higher percentage of men (54%) trusted corporate leaders compared to women (52%). Of those who rated their corporate leaders as trustworthy, 28% indicated that they had worked for the same company for at least one year but less than three years.
In the know
Workers who are well-informed about an organisation's objectives and future plans feel that they are part of the team, according to CareerBuilder. Three quarters of those who rated their leaders as trustworthy also felt that their leaders kept staff members informed, with 53% of men saying they felt they were well informed about corporate objectives and future plans, and 50% of women saying the same.
Hard-working leadership
The vast majority (80%) of workers rated corporate leaders as somewhat to extremely hard-working, and 46% of these workers rated corporate leaders as very or extremely hard-working. Half of the supervisors, managers, directors and vice presidents felt that corporate leaders were hard-working compared to 45% of staff members.
The survey, exploring the opinions and attitudes of more than 1,400 full-time workers in the US was completed in July 2002.
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