There are no books that will explain why loyalty programs fail!

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Let's Talk Loyalty Podcast #11: Why Loyalty Programs Fail

On this episode of "Let's Talk Loyalty", Paula Thomas discusses the recently released 2019 Delphi Report: Why Loyalty Programs Fail with Mike Capizzi.

Mike Capizzi is Dean of the Loyalty Academy and Facilitator of the 2019 Delphi Report. Paula Thomas is Host and Founder of the "Let's Talk Loyalty" podcast. They are both rooted veterans in the loyalty industry and this is the perfect opportunity to hear about the critically important topics and insights found in the search for "Why Loyalty Programs Fail".

The research was sourced by a global group of 34 experts from 14 different loyalty markets around the world. The vast majority of panelists carry the distinction of Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional (CLMP™) as recognized by The Loyalty Academy™.

It's impossible to cover the entire report in one podcast, so Paula and Mike will dive right into the top 5 reasons for Why Loyalty Programs Fail.

Get your free copy of the Report now to follow along.
