Air Berlin to operate customer loyalty system
The German low-cost airline Air Berlin has decided to implement the 'Customer Loyalty Solution' (CLS) from Unisys to help increase its customer retention and boost its customer acquisition efforts.
The Unisys CLS application will allow the airline to implement and alter personalised marketing initiatives based on individual customer preferences, which will also mean a quicker time-to-market for the airline's new promotional campaigns than was previously possible.
Customer-centric Thorsten Scherzer, head of distribution and loyalty for Air Berlin, said: "We're moving to a customer-centric business model to strengthen relationships, and implementing this customer loyalty solution is a big step toward improving how we use customer requests and lifestyle data to provide personalised service while keeping our prices low."
The system uses a customer database that stores and provides real-time information to all customer contact points throughout the airline, meaning that employees can easily access information to help them improve customer service and expand frequent flyers' benefits through Bonus Miles.
Customer value The system will use a thin client (web-based) interface that will enable airline personnel to enter preferences and lifestyle habits, and assign customer value based on various factors (such as travel experiences, booking preferences, and interests). It will also allow duplicate customer records to be easily merged. Critically for a European airline, the system also operates in multiple languages.
According to Steve Arsenault, CLS programme director for Unisys Global Transportation, "Smart airlines (like Air Berlin) are moving to customer-centric architectures, which is a key element in the transformation of the airline industry to sustainable profits."
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