Amex to help merchants with loyalty schemes

Amex to help merchants with loyalty schemes

American Express has announced the launch of a business unit called 'LoyaltyEdge from American Express', which will work with strategic partners and merchants to create, implement, or enhance customer loyalty programmes.

The company's long-standing strategic partner, Delta Air Lines, has become the first business to use the services of LoyaltyEdge.

According to Ralph Andretta, executive vice president of cardmember services for American Express, LoyaltyEdge will provides end-to-end services, from designing a rewards programme to providing the redemption options and fulfillment, to analysing redemption patterns and behaviours to help inform future marketing strategies.

LoyaltyEdge aims to help companies better understand their loyalty programme needs and objectives, and then identify which products and services best meet those needs.

By using American Express' existing network of partners, capabilities, and customer insights, LoyaltyEdge will then set up individually tailored loyalty solutions for its clients, with the aim of increasing customer engagement and satisfaction while reducing the costs associated with loyalty programmes.

Among the the loyalty programme services that LoyaltyEdge plans to offer:

  • Customer insights programme design and execution;  
  • Expanded loyalty and redemption options;  
  • Fulfillment capabilities;  
  • Customer service solutions;  
  • Targeted and segmented marketing;  
  • Loyalty and cost management analytics.

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