Brian Woolf releases new book on website - free of charge

Brian Woolf releases new book on website - free of charge

Loyalty marketing guru, Brian Woolf has written a new book. His 1995 book, Customer Specific Marketing, has become a text book on loyalty marketing in a retail environment. The new book, Loyalty Marketing: The Second Act, takes over where Customer Specific Marketing left off. You have a loyalty programme, you are collecting data from your customers, you are rewarding the behaviour that you want to encourage and not rewarding any unprofitable behaviour - so what do you do next? Loyalty Marketing: The Second Act will tell you.

The book shows what's required for success today in loyalty marketing. Using several successful programmes from around the world as examples, questions such as  "What are global best practices? Why have some programmes failed? How should we measure success? What are the common denominators of success? are some programmes inherently better than others? What keeps customers interested in the programme? Why don't all retailers embrace loyalty marketing? and How deeply should a loyalty programme permeate a company? are answered.

Other important concepts covered are: A loyalty programme's greatest benefit is the information; points programmes costing 1% of sales are questionable; charging a membership fee makes eminent sense; Best Customers are the critical success indicator and there's no single best strategy.

See The Wise Marketer's book review section for a full review of the book, and to see what some of the big names in loyalty marketing think of it.

The hardcover edition of Loyalty Marketing: The Second Act is due to be published in late October this year. It will be available from Amazon in the US and UK and in quantity as well from US-based Raphel Marketing. For express despatch in the UK and Europe, it will be available from The Wise Marketer, where quantity discounts will also be available.

In the meantime, you can download a complete unabridged copy of the book (as a pdf file) free from Woolf's website. But do it soon, because this offer may not always be available!

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