Britain leads the EU for using Click-and-Collect

Britain leads the EU for using Click-and-Collect

British, German and French consumers are unified by their love of online shopping but research commissioned by delivery e-commerce technology provider MetaPack has identified several subtle national differences for retailers and carriers to consider.

The power of a successful delivery experience to make a consumer stick with a retailer is universal. Equally big majorities said they would choose a retailer over others offering the same product - 89% of Britons, 84% of French and 83% of German consumers - because of a positive delivery experience.

Alternative delivery choices are appealing to everyone, suggests the research. For example, 63% of Britons surveyed said they had used click and collect in the last 12 months.

While lower percentages of French (43%) and German (26%) consumers said they had used click and collect, a higher percentage (72%) of French consumers had picked up their delivery from a local shop and half of German respondents had used a locker service compared to only 10% of British and 9% of French consumers.

Other national differences do appear in what consumers value most from a delivery choice. While majorities of British (55%) and French (56%) consumers rate free delivery highly, German consumers are a little less smitten (41%).

Speed of delivery matters more to German (27%) and British (22%) consumers while less than 1 in five of French (18%) consumers care. Playing to national stereotypes, the punctuality of a definite time slot is more highly rated by Germans (19%) compared to Britons (11%) and French (8%).

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