Cafe Zupas launches VIP Rewards scheme

Cafe Zupas launches VIP Rewards scheme

In the US, catering firm Cafe Zupas (operating in Utah and Arizona) has launched its 'VIP' rewards programme, which is an individual-based loyalty scheme that rewards customers each time they order from the company's catering menu.

The rewards are known as VIP Status Points (VSPs) and VIP Reward Dollars. Each customer earns 1 VSP for every US$1 they spend on catering. Based on their annual VSP earnings, they then qualify for a different status level (tier) within the programme. Each status level unlocks additional perks and benefits. Reward Levels, once achieved, are maintained for the rest of the year and for the entire following year.

VIP Catering purchases are tracked over a 12-month period. Upon achieving the VIP Level, customers qualify for a Visa Gift Card based on their final status level at the end of the 12 month period (which begins on 1st December and ends on 30th November each year). Visa Gift Cards are mailed out in the month of December to all qualifying members, just in time to be used for holiday season purchases.

Reward Dollars are accumulated based on purchases made from the catering menu. Customers earn 6% back on all party-style orders, and 3% back on all boxed lunches. Their reward credits are banked in their VIP Rewards account to be redeemed for free food later on, with Reward Dollars being based on US$50 increments.

Each month, the most loyal catering customers receive a special gift. Gifts include aspirational rewards such as a weekend getaway, a movie night, or tickets to an entertainment event. Each month, the Cafe Zupas website publishes the month's gift. July and August are double rewards months for all members, offering 12% on party-style catering and 6% for boxed lunches.

Membership is free of charge, and customers can enrol in the programme either by email or by calling any Cafe Zupas location.

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