
Canada: Huggies adds mobile, bonuses to reward programme

Canada's Marketing magazine reports that Kimberly-Clark's Huggies diaper brand is ditching the traditional boxtop code-entry model of CPG loyalty for a mobile application that allows members to photograph their grocery store receipts. It's a move to a more frictionless experience that should play well with Huggies' harried moms and dads.

The mobile app is driven by technology provider Snipp, and allows Kimberly-Clark to collect more than just purchase data; since the programme requires members to photograph the entire store receipt, the company can also capture store location and other purchase data to capture a more complete picture of cusomer behavior. Money quote from Huggies' senior brand manager Jose Corella:

"The ability to appeal to and acquire diverse, millennial parents is crucial to driving Huggies' business forward and, more importantly, deliver against our brand promise of helping babies thrive."

In addition to the new mobile app, Huggies is also revamping its reward programme to include a new rewards catalog, location-based rewards, and bonuses for social media activity and referrals. Sounds to us like Huggies is committed to building long-term relationships with their best customers.

Read the Marketing article here.



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