Carry The Wise Marketer in your pocket!

The Wise Marketer has gone mobile. Download it, store it, search it, keep it - whatever your PDA or mobile lets you do... 

Starting this week, all our members have full access to our latest news, briefs and weekly newsletter using their mobile internet-enabled devices. Whether you have a WAP phone, a trendy new PDA or a trusty monochrome palmtop, it's all right there waiting to be picked up every day of the week. Only four days after it's mobile launch, The Wise Marketer is already being carried about in pockets around the world.

And just out of interest: Over 13 million PDAs (personal digital assistants) were shipped globally in 2001 - up 18% on 2000's total, according to a new Dataquest Report. The US market accounted for nearly half of worldwide PDA shipments. Intermarket Group predicts the number of mobile wireless internet users is expected to expand nearly twenty-fold, from approximately 39 million worldwide (at the end of 2000) to approximately 729 million in 2005.

Clearly, the mobile internet is here to stay. So are hand held computers and PDAs - which explains why we've also thrown our very best hat into the ring!

Full members will find a new Mobile/PDA Access option in their Privileged Services menu. There you will find all the information you need to get going - literally.

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