Intelligence of Things Tracker

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Check out the "Intelligence of Things Tracker"

We always appreciate the great coverage of and count on them to keep us informed on the latest, greatest and craziest things happening across the global payments landscape.

By Wise Marketer Staff

The intersection of new payments infrastructure with the Internet of Things (IoT) is especially intriguing and the latest headline from Payments connects them both to the most loved device in the world, the automobile. It seems that IoT tech is beginning to enable in-vehicle payments to put car-based commerce in the fast lane. Applications include the obvious QSR drive thru window but more interesting cases emerge in the car dealership service arena, on cattle ranches, in airports and with manufacturers of all types. IoT can be embedded in light fixtures and within refrigerators, two other ubiquitous devices, and it’s helping companies track assets over a large space, implement preventative maintenance, save energy and pinpoint efficiencies. Who say’s it can’t help order a bacon cheeseburger to go? Oh, would you please tie that to my loyalty account and give me a side of onion rings. My car will pick up the tab!

The team at Payments also publishes a monthly Intelligence of Things Tracker™  “to detail the latest headlines in the space, including how IoT is giving industries a data-powered boost and creating new retail models.” We pass along the link for those who like to stay informed. February’s edition highlights new IoT implementation initiatives from Samsung, Cisco, Verizon, Ericsson and Verdeva, who has partnered with the E-ZPass toll transponder network to launch the PayByCar program.

We can’t wait for the loyalty tech guys to climb on-board, literally.