WEBINAR: Will Your Customers Pay for a Loyalty Program?

August 7, 2019 at 1:00 PM EST

Join us for a free webinar from The Wise Marketer and Clarus Commerce as we present findings and strategies from the 2019 Premium Loyalty Data Study.

customer engagement

Retailers ask a lot of questions before they consider offering their customers a Premium Loyalty program. Will my customers pay to be a member? What benefits should I offer? Will this program increase purchase frequency and revenue?

In the 2019 Premium Loyalty Data Study, consumers told us how they feel about Premium Loyalty programs and what they’d like to see more of. If you’re managing your brand’s loyalty program or considering building one, you need to attend this webinar.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about a few key insights:

  • What consumers expect from a Premium Loyalty program and how it impacts their decisions
  • How retailers are leveraging consumer data to build successful Premium Loyalty programs
  • What you can do to create a program that’s right for your consumers and your brand


Brian Carl

Brian Carl, Senior Director of Marketing at Clarus Commerce

Brian is a premium loyalty expert who’s been at the center of developing marketing for numerous premium loyalty programs. As a data driven leader, he’s seen the ROI retailers have gained by offering premium loyalty programs and he understands how valuable they are for not only retailers, but for the modern consumer.

Bill Hanifin

Bill Hanifin, CEO of The Wise Marketer

Bill is CEO of Wise Marketer Group LLC, the publisher of TheWiseMarketer.com and operator of the Loyalty Academy. Bill is also CEO of Hanifin Loyalty LLC, a strategic marketing agency focused on designing, managing, and evaluating customer loyalty and data-driven marketing programs. Bill has been active in the customer loyalty industry for over 20 years and has worked with notable brands throughout North America and Latin American markets as well as in the EU and Asia Pacific regions.

customer engagement