Coffee with Comarch Loyalty is a vodcast featuring brand and retail loyalty experts from around the globe.

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Coffee with Comarch Loyalty | Episode 4: Paula Thomas

The fourth episode of the Coffee with Comarch Loyalty podcast features Paula Thomas, CLMP, host of “Let’s Talk Loyalty”. In this episode, Bindu Gupta discusses with Paula the prevalence of paid loyalty programs, new and effective ways to communicate with customers, and Paula even shares her opinion on the most important factor to communicate to investors.

And don't forget to stick around until the end for the "10 Under 1 rapid fire questions!" to see how Paula Thomas really feels about loyalty when she's under pressure from the clock and Bindu!

About Coffee with Comarch

Coffee with Comarch Loyalty is a vodcast featuring brand and retail loyalty experts from both household-name brands and up-and-coming companies. Take a quick coffee break and tune in to hear from experts like Salim Holder, CEO & Co-founder of 4th Ave Market, the largest black-owned hair & beauty supply online store; Patsy Rey, who has spent nearly 30 years fostering customer loyalty at Enterprise Holdings; and more!

New vodcast episodes will be released once a month and will cover topics including how to be a memorable brand in a pandemic, the biggest challenges of loyalty programs today, the changing in-store experience, and how to get the most out of loyalty programs.

Bindu Gupta, Head of Loyalty Strategy Consulting, Comarch and host of the "Coffee with Comarch Loyalty" vodcast, shared this at the outset of the series:

"From the impact of the pandemic on customer loyalty to insider stories from loyalty program managers, our new vodcast series is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about some of the most successful loyalty programs and the strategies behind them. We plan to offer listeners behind-the-scenes insights, trend analysis, and much more from experts who are passionate about the power of customer loyalty … all during your coffee break."