Coupons work as incentives to join loyalty schemes

One of the most important metrics in brand engagement is the power of loyalty programmes, with brands offering coupons for enrolment in loyalty programmes being rewarded by consumers with greater loyalty, according to a survey by social engagement platform provider Dailybreak Media.

The survey report, entitled 'Dailybreak Brand Engagement Survey', focused on a wide range of consumers identifying themselves as Millennials, Generation X-ers, and Baby Boomers, and sought to identify those behaviours that brand marketers need to take into account when building their engagement strategies.

One of the most significant drivers in building consumer relationships is development of a robust loyalty programme, whereby shoppers are rewarded for choosing to share contact information and other personal data with brands. The survey also found that loyalty programmes are universally popular across all age groups.

The most significant results stemmed from the overall popularity among respondents of loyalty programme membership:

  • 83% of survey respondents acknowledged belonging to one or more brand/store loyalty programmes, and 13% said they belonged to five or more;
  • Brand loyalty memberships also drove other behaviours, with 64% of millennials, 79.6% of Generation X-ers, and 66.2% of baby boomers responding that loyalty programmes drove them to interact with a brand online;
  • 58% of all respondents buy from the stores and brands whose loyalty programmes they belong to at least once a month;
  • Those identified as members of Generation X are the most frequent loyalty buyers: 65% buy at least once a month from the stores or brands whose programmes they belong to. They were followed closely by baby boomers (60.56%) and 68+ (54.84%).

"Customers crave engagement, and brands desire loyalty: making these ends meet is critical for building a strong following that translates into sales and subsequent purchases, either online or in-person," said John Federman, chairman and CEO for Dailybreak Media. "This survey shows that customer loyalty programmes are the cornerstone for any engagement initiative and, as we have seen with our gamified campaigns, rewarding consumers with incentives to prolong that engagement or make a purchase is essential to cultivating strong brand awareness and allegiance."

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