CRM call centre pays for itself in seven months

CRM call centre pays for itself in seven months

Nordea Banking and insurance group is saving over US$1.5 million per year with its new call routing system.

The largest banking and insurance group in the Nordic region, Nordea Bank, has implemented a new call centre routing system – and it has paid for itself within just seven months. One day after using the new Genesys Enterprise Routing system, Nordea was able to handle 25% more calls at one site (with the same number of staff). The time spent actually talking to customers rose by 24%, with only 15% more call centre agents.

According to Nordea's Martin Karlsson, "Overall the Genesys solution has enabled us to make an annual saving, in contact centre costs, of over US$1.5 million per year."

It just grew and grew Nordea was created by the merging, over a few years, of Finland's Merita Bank, Sweden's Nordbanken, Denmark's Unibank and Norway's Christiana Bank og Kreditkasse. The group operates 12 contact centres in the region, employing over 1,000 agents, handling over half a million telephone calls each month from 2.8 million telephone and online customers.

ROI calculator Genesys has launched a new ROI calculator on its website to enable businesses and contact centre managers to calculate estimated ROI for Genesys. For more information, visit the Genesys website

For information about Nordea, visit