Electronic couponing guidelines announced
The Institute of Sales Promotion has launched a series of electronic coupon guidelines with a focus on print-at-home coupons in order to inform marketers of the best practice for distribution of coupons over the internet.
The guidelines were commissioned by the ISP in response to the internet's significant growth as a coupon distribution channel, reportedly some 650% over the past 12 months. Developed in conjunction with interactive coupon solutions company, Couponstar, the guidelines aim to provide practical advice on the entire internet couponing process from optimal coupon design and layout to advice on targeting, technical security measures and redemption control.
Covering key delivery channels including pure e-coupons, retailer-specific coupons and print-at-home coupons, the guidelines are the first comprehensive summary on distributing coupons over the internet.
The guide discusses the current trends, benefits, opportunities and issues associated with e-coupons as they apply to consumers, manufacturers, retailers and clearing houses and offers advice on how to maximise the success of campaigns incorporating internet coupons.
ISP Chief Executive Annie Swift explained that the ISP is focused on monitoring and maintaining the highest standard of self-regulation within the sales promotion industry and these guidelines are a pivotal step forward for it in its quest to maintain these high standards. According to Swift, the guidelines are issued as recommended best practice for the distribution of printable coupons and vouchers online.
The guidelines, which are the result of extensive consultation throughout the industry and careful monitoring of the marketplace as it evolves are recommended by the ISP to all users of internet coupons as well as FMCG marketers and retailers as essential reading and are available from the ISP website - click here.
According to Jared Keen, Managing Director at Couponstar, "It is vital that marketers understand how to maximise the success of their campaigns and avoid the scenarios we have seen over the past few years where control has been lost, and it is great to see the ISP recognising and acting on this need."
Following these guidelines the ISP Coupon Committee will continue to monitor internet coupons and provide updates on any additions.
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