Executives and academics can help CRM to become a science

A partnership between US-based Duke University and Teradata is burgeoning: moves are afoot to publish a textbook including submissions from CRM thought leaders. 

In September 2000, a partnership between Duke University and Teradata (a division of NCR Corporation) resulted in the formation of the Teradata Center for Customer Relationship Management. Work has been progressing, and significant strides have been taken towards supporting the practical applications of CRM with global research and learning. One of the aims of the Center is to establish CRM as a science through research, an academic journal, an annual scholar conference and a curriculum based on customer-focused practices and strategies.

CRM Executive Programme
Now, the Center, along with Duke's open-enrolment executive education programme (taught at the Fuqua School of Business) is to hold its first CRM executive programme this November. So far, the Center has concentrated on creating opportunities for marketing scholars and business leaders to exchange ideas. Next month's course will share insights into one-to-one relationship management, customer acquisition, retention and loyalty, and other CRM issues.

Research, Forum, Textbook
The Center has just initiated its first global call for CRM research proposals. Proposal submissions include customer lifetime value, consumer behaviour, CRM antecedents and consequences, the adoption of CRM systems and the measurement of CRM effectiveness. It is also co-sponsoring a Global Scholars Forum in January 2002, to give leading marketing scholars from around the world a venue in which to discuss insights and trends gathered from their professional research. A textbook is also on the cards: in 2002 the Center will publish a textbook (which will include submissions from leading CRM thought leaders) and will be used not only at Fuqua, but also at other universities.

Directors of the Center are Richard Staelin (Fuqua School of Business) and Martha Rogers (Peppers and Rogers Group).
