Five key elements of successful mobile marketing campaigns

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By: Wise Marketer Staff |

Posted on March 16, 2007

Five key elements of successful mobile marketing campaigns

There are five fundamental elements behind the development of a successful mobile marketing campaign, according to experts at mobile marketing agency Soapbox Mobile.

The mobile channel appeals to many consumers today - particularly Generation X and Y - but the execution of the campaign must be done right, with the right response motivation for the target audience, and the right brand messages to keep consumers engaged.

Dan Flanegan, president for Soapbox Mobile, advises: "Marketers who are new to mobile marketing initiatives must take an innovative approach to boost performance to a higher level."

Five keys The company's five key elements to consider when developing a mobile marketing campaign include:

  1. Integration Leverage all of your media and integrate your campaign. Make mobile the common glue that ties your campaign together across all consumer touchpoints.  
  2. A clear call to action Make your call to action clear and simple, and make it stand out. Interacting with your campaign should be simple with few barriers to entry.  
  3. Test, test, and test again Marketers routinely test every other marketing and advertising method, so why not test mobile campaigns as thoroughly? Try different calls to action - for example, create A and B message content to see which generates a greater response. This way you can learn what works and what doesn't before the campaign is rolled out full-scale.  
  4. Measure media response Ask the vital questions: Where did my mobile subscribers come from? Who participated the longest or opted in for future promotions vs those who opted out right away? The chances are that each media source, whether print, web, or broadcast, will attract a different mobile user. Make sure your calls to action have different key words (response codes) associated with them so you know which medium is performing best in the short term (i.e. acquisition/response) and which performs best in the long term (i.e. customer loyalty/retention).  
  5. Build the list Make sure part of your campaign involves asking the consumer if they wish to opt in for future promotions. While you have them hooked, give them a good reason to come back and to stay engaged. Customer acquisition requires that you keep them engaged and build a database of loyal mobile subscribers.

Soapbox Mobile helps consumer-facing companies to develop and deploy mobile messaging, content, and commerce applications. Its mobile platform and carrier relationships was designed to help brand marketers and advertising agencies make best use of the mobile channel.

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