Fuel Rewards operator rebrands to expand
The US-based 'Fuel Rewards' loyalty programme has announced redemption rates up to ten times higher than the average coupon (typically 1% - 3%). Coinciding with the announcement, the programme's operator, Fuel Marketing Solutions, has changed its name to Centego Marketing to allow the expansion of the company's loyalty activities.
According to Centego, American consumers earned more than US$16 million in fuel savings through the programme during 2002. And of that total, almost US$3.2 million in free fuel was redeemed, representing almost 20% average redemption rate nationwide.
The Fuel Rewards programme will not change its name, although the programme's current web site will merge into the operator's new corporate web site. The new site is being designed to include interactive information for partners and shoppers alike.
Improvements Partners such as manufacturers, grocers, and fuel providers are to be given access to programme metrics.
Shoppers will be able to retrieve lists of products and local stores participating in the programme. The web site will also help consumers to find participating fuel locations where Fuel Rewards vouchers can be redeemed.
The 500 products in the Fuel Rewards programme rotate every four weeks in the 650 stores across the country.
Centego Marketing's CEO, Steven Rosenberg, said, "We have created a corporate framework that will allow us to develop and implement additional consumer reward and loyalty programmes."
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