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Generational or Life Stage Influences?

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By: Wise Marketer Staff |

Posted on February 4, 2019

Generational Marketing: Putting it all together to Change Behaviors

As Millennials continue to change the marketplace, much focus has been on generational marketing. But a generation is simply a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously. Each person passes through a series of stages over their lifetime including young adulthood, single, married, those with children, retirement. These are called life stages.

Generational Influences are broad and directional. Knowing what generation someone belongs to can tell you the best way to communicate with them. Life Stage Influences, however, are much more narrow and specific to the individual. Their life stage reveals their motives and can help loyalty marketers increase engagement and create advocates. 

Download our eBook, “Generational or Life Stage Influences? Putting it all together to change behaviors.