Companies report down quarters (or rather flat quarters, in this case) all the time without creating the firestorm / panic-storm that Dick's has with their recent earnings call. But when you're the last remaining big box sporting goods store and the retail prognosticators have been crowing about the dawn of the retail apocalypse, you get a sense of why the business community and the media are treating this like they are. Is the bricks-and-mortar sky really falling? Does Dick's recent wobble really signify the beginning of the end for the rest of retail? The easy answer is, no.
But even if the entire universe of consumers is somehow in the midst of a colossal pivot towards online-only purchasing (which it isn't), there is still a strong pulse back at Dick's HQ. Add to that the collected expertise of The Wise Marketer community and you may have the makings of customer experience history.
Bill Hanifin talks about what could be one of the biggest opportunities of our era, to change the course of a company's history without adjusting their pricing scheme.