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How to Prepare your Retail Calendar for the 2023 Holiday Season

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Wise Marketer Staff

Posted on October 24, 2023

5 tips to help retailers maximize results in the 2023 power shopping season

The end of year shopping season has begun. How do we know? Well, this may not be as scientific as you would like, but over the weekend, we visited a big box DIY retailer and found that the remnants of Halloween decorations had been trumped by an overwhelmingly large Christmas display.

Somehow the Thanksgiving holiday seems to have been overlooked in this transition from one fall holiday to another, but never mind – retailers have set the holiday machine in gear, and nothing will stop it.

There is still time to polish and fine tune your promotional strategy to reap the maximum results from this 2023 holiday shopping season. We found this article written by Chris Cobb, Coniq VP, Sales & Loyalty Strategy and encourage you to give it a thorough review.

There are five solid areas that Chris encourages retailers to consider in executing their holiday marketing plans:

  • 1. Offer an Omnichannel Retail Experience
  • 2. Implement or Lean into a Customer Loyalty Solution
  • 3. Enhance your Email Marketing
  • 4. Nail your Social Media Strategy
  • 5. Provide an Unforgettable Customer Experience

The retail sector has experienced many challenges in the past year. One study reported that 50,000 stores in the US are expected to close by 2026. It’s clear that focusing on attracting new customers to your online store is no longer enough to guarantee success.

Customer retention is a focus-area that yields big financial returns, and we believe this article from Chris Cobb at Coniq lays out a series of solid approaches that will help your business. Read the entire article here.