Mobile gamers do it for the Frequent Player Points
The online information and mobile entertainment firm InfoSpace Inc. has launched two new mobile gaming rewards programmes to encourage loyal behaviour and peer advocacy.
The new Frequent Player Points and Tell-A-Friend programmes reward loyal mobile gaming subscribers with prizes for their participation in InfoSpace's For Prizes Network of mobile game tournaments.
The network is an ongoing interactive mobile gaming tournament, in which players compete with other mobile users for worthwhile prizes. The two new programmes aim to give gamers more opportunities to win prizes and to refer new players to InfoSpace's tournament games.
Frequent players The Frequent Player Points programme allows gamers to earn points by simply playing the games, with extra bonuses for being long-term subscribers. Active subscribers, especially those who purchase multiple For Prize games, have the greatest potential for earning points that can be exchanged for tickets to monthly raffles. As Andy Riedel, general manager of games for InfoSpace, points out: "With the Frequent Player Points feature, it no longer matters if you're the best player or the worst. The more you play, the more you'll have an opportunity to win."
Peer referrals The Tell-A-Friend programme rewards subscribers for encouraging their friends and family join the competition. Each time subscribers refer a new user who joins an InfoSpace tournament game they earn Referral Points, which are used to rank them in monthly tournaments. The subscribers with the most Referral Points at the end of each month win the tournament (and a prize). Tournament leader boards are then tracked online through the InfoSpace Games web site.
The Tell-A-Friend rewards programme is currently available only to subscribers of For Prizes Network games in the USA. The Frequent Player Points programme will launch in July 2005. Prizes for both programmes include Sony PSPs, Sony digital cameras, iPod Shuffles and Fandango Buck gift certificates.
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