Mobile marketers shouldn't worry about opt-outs

Mobile marketers are poised for greater success if they focus their messaging strategies on the 15%-20% of customers who are already engaged, valuable, active and eager for repeat business, rather than throttling push notifications over concerns that some customers might opt out, according to a white paper from from mobile marketing firm OtherLevels.

The white paper, entitled 'Hung Up On Opt-Outs?', was written to provide recommendations for marketers who have raised questions about proven messaging tactics or who intentionally scale back push notifications because of concerns that customers might opt out of further communications.

"The goal of personalised mobile marketing is to satisfy ready-and-waiting customers who are already in the brand's camp and have proven their value," said Ramsey Masri, OtherLevels CEO and a co-author of the report. "Those top-tier, opted-in customers want to learn more, spend more and engage more. Marketers should pamper high-value customers first, and then pursue follow-up tactics for low-activity, lower-value customers."

Key insights for mobile marketers include:

  • Make the "opt-in" crowd a priority by leveraging mobile data and using multiple message formats - e.g., push notifications, in-app alerts, interstitials, peer-to-peer communications - to connect with smartphone-enabled customers.
  • Mine valuable data about customer preferences, activities, recency of interaction, location, loyalty status and more to deliver timely, relevant, personal mobile messages.
  • Leverage the 'Pyramid of Opportunity' to segment customers, focusing attention on the 15-20% who are active and engaged.
  • Mobile gaming revenues will eclipse online gaming revenues in 2015 and mobile is predicted to represent 50% of 2017 US commerce - both of which are trends that raise the bar for marketers to adopt effective 'mobile first' mindsets.

"With this kind of re-energized approach to mobile messaging, marketers can target a 'smaller-but-engaged' group of consumers with data and strategies that focus on more engagement, higher activity and deeper loyalty - key elements of competitive advantage," concluded Masri.

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