nadine rubin digitalbits

Nadine Rubin (Advisor to DigitalBits) talks blockchain & loyalty

LoyaltyLive, the recent blockchain / loyalty conference held in Chicago, was billed as the first event of its kind - dedicated to bridging the gap between blockchain & loyalty.  It was a momentous event if only for the fact that it was the beginning of what will be an important, ongoing conversation.  In this video, we spend a few minutes with Nadine Rubin, Advisor to DigitalBits.  For context, DigitalBits is the only blockchain-based loyalty technology that is expressly designed to be extended out to other platforms and brands.

Nadine has an extensive history and background in loyalty in both Canada and the United States and now, in her role with DigitalBits, she is working to bring their technology to existing providers throughout the world.  We had a lively conversation - its worth a few minutes to hear what she has to say.

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Nadine Rubin @ LoyaltyLive from Wise Marketer Group on Vimeo.