Nectar makes online fashion more rewarding

Nectar makes online fashion more rewarding

In the UK, the Nectar coalition loyalty programme has announced the launch of an exclusive and interactive fashion web site, developed in response to an increasing consumer appetite for online shopping and to offer Nectar points from a wider range of fashion e-retailers.

The new mini-site (accessed via the main web site) consolidates more than 30 well known retailers including Debenhams, House of Fraser, AllSaints and Gap into one 'virtual high street'. These four retailers will also be offering double Nectar points on all purchases for the first six weeks.

Consumers collect 2 Nectar points per £1 spent (4 points for the double points brands) and regular 'Bonus points' promotions will also run on the site, enabling fashion shoppers to earn points more quickly.

Nectar's fashion site has been built with the fashion shopping experience in mind and includes a variety of practical functions. With some 500,000 fasion items available, the site's search bar enables consumers to compare items between retailers, and the 'Your Wardrobe' section allows users to select fashion items they like and store them in a virtual wardrobe.

According to James Frost, marketing director for Nectar, "Our research found that Nectar collectors are buying almost 50% of their fashion online, with an average expenditure of more than £70 each per month."

The new fashion site also boasts a short consumer-focused video tour to help shoppers get up to speed on how the portal works - click here.

More than 50% of UK households currently collect Nectar points when shopping for groceries, doing DIY, booking a holiday, paying household bills, buying petrol and servicing their cars. Collectors also earn Nectar points every time they shop online via at over 500 online retailers. Since the programme's launch in 2002, more than £1.5 billion of rewards have been redeemed by collectors, including money off shopping, travel and general merchandise. Nectar currently claims some 17.5 million members.

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