New awards honour staff and customer loyalty
The winners of the first annual 'Allegiance Customer and Employee Loyalty Awards' have been announced by customer feedback and loyalty firm Allegiance Inc., recognising companies for exceptional customer and employee loyalty scores based on direct customer and employee feedback.
Allegiance announced the winners of the newly founded awards at the company's first annual user conference in Utah, USA. Awards were given for the top customer loyalty and employee loyalty scores in four categories, including banks, credit unions, health care, and other organisations.
Winners The 2007 Customer Loyalty Award winners were:
- Bank: Northrim Bank, Anchorage, AK
- Credit Union: Utah Community Credit Union, Provo, UT
- Health Care: Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Hamilton, NJ
- Other Organisations: Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Meanwhile, the 2007 Employee Loyalty Award winners were:
- Bank: Chesapeake Bank, Kilmarnock, VA
- Credit Union: Mountain America Credit Union, Orem, UT
- Health Care: Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster, PA
- Other Organisations: Young Electric Sign Company, Salt Lake City, UT
Encouraging loyalty According to Adam Edmunds, president and CEO for Allegiance, "The Allegiance Customer and Employee Loyalty Awards is one way that we can publicly recognise the success of our clients and their focus on improving customer and employee loyalty. These organisations are all using customer and employee feedback to better understand their own 'pulse', and to act quickly on feedback to directly impact customer and employee loyalty."
Dr Gary Rhoads, co-founder of Allegiance, concluded: "Loyal customers will pay more for products than non-loyal customers and will actively share their positive experiences with others. The award winners understand that the investments they have made in their feedback systems are investments in future success."
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