Online ads drive television viewing figures in Japan

Is what is happening in Japan a sign of things to come in the rest of the world? The online ad market is set to grow from US$234m last year to US$2bn in 2004.

ValueClick Japan has signed a deal with TV Tokyo to develop and distribute details of TV programmes through the ValueClick Japan network. The network provides internet access via computers and mobile telephones.

In a test, banner advertisements for  a particular television programme were distributed to the whole ValueClick network just as the programme began. This resulted in an increase in the number of people viewing that programme: a significant 22% of those who watched it said that they had done so after seeing the banner advertisement.

ValueClick is the leading online media network in Japan; Nielsen//NetRatings' figures for September 2001 revealed that it reached some 43% of the Japanese market (CyberAgent reached 36% and DoubleClick just under 25%).

Big market
According to Nielsen//NetRatings, Japan has the highest number of Internet users in Asia. It is second only to the US in world ratings and has an estimated 19m active adult Internet users. And according to Japan's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, some 50m Japanese now have mobile phones. Using NTT DoCoMo, the I-Mode technology platform developed by NTT Mobile Communications, ValueClick Japan's wireless ad serving system, MobileClick, delivers 20m page views per week on 1,380 sites.

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