PayBack launches coupon platform in Germany

PayBack launches coupon platform in Germany

The Germany loyalty coalition, Payback, has announced the forthcoming launch of an additional marketing channel in the form of the new 'Payback Deals' couponing platform, which offers a changing selection of discount offers to programme members throughout Germany.

Customers in Hamburg, Munich and Berlin can look forward to a selection of special coupons for their specific region when the platform launches on 4th October 2011. Other cities will follow in due course.

Valid for a limited time only, the coupons can be purchased online and redeemed from the relevant companies via the Payback loyalty card. Consumers will benefit from an attractive range of discounts, and both SMEs and larger companies will be able to benefit from an extended marketing platform that can be operated either regionally or nationwide.

The coupon offers can be directed toward target groups via any channel (online, offline, and mobile), and companies can post their own offers in the partner section of the platform. A partner app with a Scan function also makes it easier to register coupons at the point of sale.

According to Michael Stephan, head of Payback local business and cooperations (partnerships), Payback in Germany now provides a blend of offline, online and mobile strategies for integrated marketing campaigns and coupon-based offers: "There has been a great deal of interest in coupons from Payback, with 60% of Payback customers saying they would welcome a platform like Payback Deals. And now it is even easier for members to redeem their coupons: they no longer have to print them out - all they have to do is show their Payback card at the checkout."

According to a recent TNS Emnid survey entitled 'Couponing in Germany', coupons are already widespread in Germany, with 80% of Germans having redeemed a coupon at least once, and 60% feeling that coupons will take on an increasingly important role in people's shopping habits in the future. Classic paper coupons and their online counterparts are forging ahead in terms of usage, while consumer awareness of mobile coupons is still relatively low, and only 20% of those who were already familiar with mobile coupons had actually redeemed one.

Four out of ten consumers said they redeem coupons at least once per month and, of those questioned, 68% said the main advantage of doing so is the savings they provide. Approximately two thirds (67%) said they redeem coupons against supermarket products, while 46% redeem them for clothing, followed by the gastronomy market (45%), cosmetics (40%) and electronics (33%). And couponing is expected to become an even bigger phenomenon in Germany, with 28% of those who had not yet used coupons saying they planned to do so in the future, as long as the process doesn't involve any major effort on their part.

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