As I mentioned in one of the other interviews we conducted at LoyaltyLive (billed as the only event bridging loyalty and the blockchain world), the technology that was presented was fascinating in and of itself, but the better part of that event was the diverse and interesting mix of people who attended and presented. Unlike a lot of conferences though, LoyaltyLive was intentionally designed to maximize conversation and interaction.
Also Read: Loyalty a “Fertile Field” for Blockchain Providers
Ruth Plater founded and runs an interactive agency that is focused on elevating blockchain companies and is one of those people who had a lot to say during her time on stage. She is an outspoken advocate for the possibilities that blockchain offers and has taken a personal role in helping tech entrepreneurs enter and thrive in that space. You can learn more about Radial Path here.
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The Wise Marketer and Ruth Plater @ LoyaltyLive from Wise Marketer Group on Vimeo.