Supermarket offer refunds customers for fuel
An innovative fuel rebate offering was rolled out last week throughout the 189 Independent Grocers of Australia (IGA) outlets in Queensland, Australia, effectively offering the group's customers a fuel rebate deal at any fuel station of their choice, without having struck deals with any of the fuel retailers.
The new IGA customer loyalty promotion is very straightforward: motorists fill up at any petrol station of their choice, and keep their receipt. Then, when they participate in IGA's Friday Fuel Day promotion by purchasing at least Aus$30.00 worth of goods at a participating IGA outlet on a Friday, they simply present their fuel receipts and receive a discount equivalent to 4 cents per litre of fuel purchased.
Sector shake up The IGA promotion does not require its participants to buy their fuel at any particular chain of service stations, instead simply requiring a valid fuel receipt within 14 days of filling up. Many consumers in Queensland had previously had to drive longer distances than usual to fill up with specific fuel brands when participating in fuel discount programmes.
"We expect this offer will shake up the petrol and retail market in Queensland, as smart shoppers will gain genuine discounts if they simply present a receipt for their fuel purchase when they shop at their local IGA store," said John Hockings, an IGA Queensland board member.
Expanding soon The promotion is expected to be rolled out to the remaining 1,000 IGA supermarkets across Australia in the near future.
"IGA stores in Queensland have thrown down the gauntlet in the retail market by providing an aggressive and truly universal fuel discount programme," added Andrew Reitzer, chief executive for Metcash Trading Ltd, which operates the IGA brand in Australia.
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