A new loyalty programme has been launched by Cellular One that allows mobile telephone users in the USA to earn points for sending text messages from their mobile handsets, and then redeem those points for gift vouchers from Amazon.com.
The new programme rewards Hello2Txt subscribers for each text message they send through the network from their mobile phones and wireless devices, offering 1 point per text message sent.
Membership of the scheme is free of charge, although members must already be a Hello2Txt service subscriber, and they need to register in advance through the Cellular One web site (http://www.cellularone.com/txtclub) before they can redeem any points they have earned. As a club member, subscribers are then able to use the web site to track and redeem their points by requesting gift certificates.
Monthly plan bonus
Cellular One customers who sign up for Hello2Txt monthly plans also receive a bonus of 250 points, which are automatically applied to their account balance. A minimum of 500 points is needed to redeem for a US$5 Amazon gift certificate, and gift certificates may be redeemed in US$5 increments up to a maximum of US$50 at a time.
According to a Cellular One spokesperson, the company chose Amazon for its Hello2Txt Club reward redemptions because of its good reputation for customer service and value, and also because it was seen as commanding significant consumer brand-awareness. The range of goods on offer through Amazon.com was also determined to be appropriate to Cellular One's key customer profiles.
The company
Cellular One is a subsidiary of Western Wireless Corporation, which provides rural wireless communications services to more than 1.3 million customers in the western USA. Western Wireless Corporation also operates cellular phone systems and company-owned retail stores in 19 western states, and licenses its Cellular One brand to providers in 16 other states and the Caribbean.
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