Brand Enthusiasm is a new concept that can be used to boost brand and customer loyalty.


What Is Intelligent Engagement? An Interview With Rachel Bicking

The Wise Marketer tracks new concepts and thinking from those executives leading marketers into the next phase of digital customer marketing. This is part of our core mission as we advocate for this industry and serve as the Global Voice of Customer Loyalty.

Today's executive interview with Rachel Bicking, Chief Digital Officer, Tenerity covers two new concepts that we are adding to our list of trends to track. The two concepts are Intelligent Engagement and Brand Enthusiasm.

Rachel, a guest on Wise Marketer's Women in Loyalty™ season one in 2021, shares a clear outline of the two concepts and explains how these concepts translate into practical solutions that any brand can employ in its marketing calendar.

Along the way, we contrast these ideas with the common understanding of Personalization and talk about how First and Zero Party Data fuels Intelligent Engagement.

Rachel is bright and fun in conversation. You'll enjoy this interview on many levels.


  • Intelligent Engagement defined: 1:25
  • What comes first, Engagement or Loyalty? 6:44
  • Defining Brand Enthusiasm: 7:35
  • Who benefits from Intelligent Engagement? 14:08
  • Timing, Tone and Treatment, a practical example: 17:20
  • Contrasting Intelligent Engagement & Personalization: 22:26
  • What data fuels the engine of Intelligent Engagement? Zero Party Data and more: 25:22
  • How Intelligent Engagement can help CMO's sleep better at night: 28:06
  • Retail disruption and Intelligent Engagement: 31:05