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What’s in store for Customer Loyalty in 2024?

Insider views shared in this executive interview with Tim Mason, CEO Eagle Eye

There are loads of “year-end wrap-up posts” published around this time of the year. Add to that the
flood of predictions for 2024 and you must exercise an elevated level of discernment to find the
information that you need to gauge your coordinates on the customer loyalty journey and determine
what direction to point your compass for this new year.

We linked up with Tim Mason, CEO of Eagle Eye to get an executive-level view of the market. This is an
opportunity to listen in on a C-Suite conversation that covers a range of topics from Performance
Marketing, Customer Experience to Artificial Intelligence.

Tim is bright and engaging. He has created Eagle Eye as a distinctly unique company in the global loyalty
business. As he mentions in the interview, Eagle Eye has enjoyed the positive effects of having the “wind
in your sails” and therefore has a confident view of the future. (If you noticed by now, there are several
irresistible nautical references in our conversation!).

Listen in here as Tim Mason shares his top retail and loyalty marketing predictions for 2024.
For the time-starved and those who want to navigate to specific topics in the conversation, here are
some useful time stamps:

1:08 – Customer Loyalty has been in the news more than ever in 2023. What stood out most for you?
4:31 – Performance Marketing and Artificial Intelligence
5:59 - Is Loyalty Marketing ready to transition from “Patient Endurance” to “Breakthrough”?
11:03 – Translating technology into great Customer Experience
14:02 – Is every business today a “Tech” business?
15:32 – The importance of 2023 for Eagle Eye
17:14 – How is Eagle Eye employing Artificial Intelligence?
21:30 - Will 2024 be the “year of AI”?
25:01 - Why Marketing Efficiency will drive Personalization in 2024
25:56 – Wrap Up