An interview with Paul Davies, SVP Epsilon, Asia Pac and EMEA Region
The Wise Marketer surveys trends in Loyalty Marketing around the world on a regular basis. The key to understanding these markets is our connection with executives working directly in each market. Desktop research only tells part of the story. The opportunity to speak with experienced executives operating in individual regions is a true privilege as it unlocks important details and insights that marketers need to know.
In this case, we caught up with Paul Davies, SVP Epsilon to get his take on what’s new, trendy, and important to know in the Australian and broader Asia Pac markets. This is a timely discussion as the Loyalty Academy is ramping up to host the first Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™ workshop in Melbourne, Australia 16 – 18 May and in Singapore 23 – 25 May.
Paul Davies has been working in Asia 29 years and has been based in Singapore since 1999. He’s been working with Epsilon for the past five years and leads Epsilon’s teams servicing its clients across the Asia Pac and EMEA Region. Epsilon is part of the Publicis Group of companies and specializes in loyalty and personalization as well as a wide range of data-driven marketing services.
Some time stamps to help the time-starved reader:
2:03 - Outcome based marketing – how to build on proof, not promise
3:15 - Paul Davies – Roles and Responsibilities across the Asia Pac region
4:18 - How did Paul get connected with Loyalty Marketing?
5:28 - Loyalty Trends in the Asia Pac & EMEA Region
7:28 - Consumer buying trends in the region
8:07 - Highlights from the 2022 Epsilon Loyalty Index for Australian
12:38 - Expanding the boundaries of loyalty in Asia Pac
16:03 - Professional Education in Loyalty Marketing coming to Australia and Singapore in May 2023
18:28 - The biggest loyalty challenges facing brands today in the region
21:43 – Final Thoughts
24:54 – Loyalty Academy™ workshop information – Melbourne and Singapore
You can reach Paul here: