Why convenience has become the best brand differentiator
"Convenience" now contributes 18% to product and service adoption, loyalty and profitability: an almost five-fold increase since it was first measured by Brand Keys in 1997, when it contributed only 4%.
Since what consumers value differs by product category, exactly what form "convenience" takes depends upon the category and the brand. On-line, for example, convenience may take the form of instant account access.
For airlines it could be selecting your own seat whenever you want. For restaurants it could be delivery in under 20 minutes, and in food shopping it could be 24-hour on-line ordering and delivery.
In the absence of actual primacy of product problems ("what's different about you and what have you done for me lately?") convenience is the newest of the brand differentiators.
% contribution to product/service loyalty & adoptionSource: Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Index
According to Robert Passikoff, president of Brand Keys, if you deliver on a comprehensive convenience promise, consumers will positively beat a path to your door. And who can disagree?
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