Paula Thomas is the host of Let's Talk Loyalty podcast.


#89: Introduction to Earth Rewards - A Loyalty Solution for the Environment‪

In this episode, I’m summarizing my interview with Ciaran Kelly, who founded “Earth Rewards”, a loyalty programme that measures, educates and inspires consumers to behave in ways that minimize their impact on the environment.

We discuss their “learn and earn” feature which allows users to understand exactly how many kilos of carbon their individual lifestyle is producing each year, and compare that to the average carbon impact of other people in any one of 30 countries around the world.

Earth Rewards is designed to partner with existing loyalty programmes that want to add a compelling environmental feature to their loyalty proposition, so listen to the full episode to learn how your loyalty programme can partner with them to demonstrate a real commitment to taking action to save the environment.

Tune in to last week's episode here - #88: Loyalty Innovation in China with Lagardère Travel Retail