millennial loyalty video series

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Loyalty through a Millennial lens: 3-part series

We thought we would put the definitive cap on the question that has been dogging loyalty marketers for the past decade by addressing it head-on.  In a bold move, we identified an actual millennial and, through a series of deft and cagey maneuvers, convinced him to talk to us.

Evan Snively is a loyalty strategist at Maritz Loyalty (disclosure: Maritz is one of our sponsors here at The Wise Marketer) who happens to also be a millennial.  All jokes aside, Evan is extremely bright and articulate and agreed to give us his take on several big questions that seem to bubble up when loyalty marketers get on the topic of millennials.

In the first installment, I spend a few minutes overviewing his brand affinities and why he feels bonded to them and not others in those spaces.  You can see that first episode here.  What I think you'll notice is how thoughtful and circumspect Evan is on these topics and how his vocation as a loyalty marketing practitioner adds a lot of useful context.  Hope you enjoy this first one.

Loyalty through a Millennial lens: Part 1 from Wise Marketer Group on Vimeo.

In the second installment, Evan and Bill Hanifin discuss some of the brands' loyalty programs and what makes them appealing, what makes them work and in a very transparent turn, what doesn't.

Loyalty through a Millennial lens: Part 2 from Wise Marketer Group on Vimeo.

In episode 3, Bill Hanifin, Evan Snively and I talk about some of the headier topics surrounding data, data privacy, program members expectations as they relate to their personal data and some ideas for managing into the millennial generation a little better.

Loyalty through a Millennial lens: Part 3 from Wise Marketer Group on Vimeo.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on these conversations either here on The Wise Marketer or on the respective Vimeo pages - feel free to join the discussion.  And its worth mentioning that we're looking to do more of this kind of thing on an ongoing basis - so if you have a burning topic you'd like us to address - or if you'd like to participate in one of these discussions, by all means get in touch.

Mike Giambattista is Editor in Chief at The Wise Marketer and is a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional (CLMP).