loyalty newswire


The Loyalty Newswire – Monday, November 26, 2018

When we re-constituted The Wise Marketer's mission statement a few years ago, prominent among our goals was (and remains) to become the global voice for our industry.  And while keeping tabs and track of loyalty in North America and Europe has proven to be a real task, we're very pleased to report on some innovative approaches in other parts of the world - such as Ireland, India and Australia.  Here's what we're following:

How the Starbucks app created so many rewards-hungry obsessives.

Just exactly how did Starbucks weave itself so tightly into our consciousness and turn us all into Latte fiends?  And – what happens to those loyalists when the app goes down?  It’s nothing short of cataclysmic, apparently.


Rewards abound with an app that provides a Loyalty Love-In for the investment market.

The title is a bit misleading – we’re all pretty familiar with the why’s of loyalty marketing.  On the other hand, it provides an interesting take on incentivized investing – specifically in the cannabis market.  It’s time to move beyond the snickering and open our eyes to some of the really innovative things that are happening in that space.


Stocard, mobile wallet for loyalty cards expanding Canadian operations

The mobile wallet is by no means a new concept – in fact, there has been speculation about its demise.  But it's difficult to gloss over a product that has 2 million active users and is continually expanding its reach and utility.


Irish Loyalty Awards Announced

Visa has signed on as the primary sponsor for what is being billed as the premier event to “recognise SMEs and blue-chip brands across all sectors that are building lasting and profitable relationships with their customers through loyalty.”


Telangana tipplers addicted to brand loyalty

This story out of India echoes what liquor brands are up against regardless of geography.  Particularly interesting in light of some of the conversations we had recently where brand sentiment seems to be falling.  Alcohol brands, apparently, not so much.


The Customer Experience Difference: Are Customers Loyal To Your Brand Or Your Loyalty Program?

“A truly loyal customer is willing to pay more for your brand, while a points-loyal customer needs an inducement to purchase.”  Possibly.  But we take issue when a genuine thought leader such as Gartner proclaims this kind of a headline and then effectively walks away from the conversation.  This topic gets interesting when we are able to get past the headlines and start digging into the data, the insights.  What are the factors driving each one?  What levers can be created and deployed?  Who is doing it well?


Penny Flanagan swears off customer loyalty programs

To be clear, Penny Flanagan is not a big brand.  Penny Flanagan is a frustrated consumer who is signaling her distaste for some all-to-common loyalty program mis-steps.  Read this as a customer loyalty professional.  How would you address these concerns?


The Loyalty Newswire is compiled and edited each week by the editorial staff at The Wise Marketer.