loyalty marketing

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The Search for Qualified Loyalty Marketers …

Loyalty Marketing is a unique discipline. If you look around the world you will find very few business disciplines as large as Loyalty Marketing that do not have their own education specialty. I have been frantically searching for a degree program from any global university that confers a diploma with a major in Loyalty Marketing. Unfortunately, I haven’t found one! I also spend time pouring over both the undergraduate and master's programs in Marketing looking for a course on Loyalty. Haven’t found any!

So why is an industry so large, extensively used by all vertical markets across all regions of the globe, so ignored?

I don’t really know the answer, but I have my suspicions.

We started the Loyalty Academy in an attempt to help fill the gaps in basic understanding of the principles and practices that have come to define the loyalty marketing space. We put together a comprehensive course framework and ever-evolving curriculum for a dynamic and constantly changing discipline. We carefully constructed a certification program which leads to the distinction of a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional ™ (CLMP) – the only such credential in the entire global industry – and put together an extremely experienced faculty governed by the watchful eye of a formal Board of Regents.

Today, we have 134 CLMPs in 15 countries around the world. Whether they have participated in public workshops, corporate training programs, or taken courses online one-at-a-time, each of these individuals has demonstrated their knowledge of the best practices and key success factors in loyalty programs. Each has earned the distinction of being the most professional loyalty marketer that they can be – skilled in the foundational characteristics of program design, financial modeling, segmentation & analysis, disruptive technologies, and communications platforms, plus rewards competence. Characteristics which make or break a loyalty program!

Why guess? Or learn on the fly? Or make critical mistakes that damage the brands in your custody and the customers you serve?

If you are dedicated to professional development in the Loyalty Marketing space, we have the programs in place. Private workshops for a team of individuals in a corporate training setting. Public workshops in the US, Canada, Australia, and soon-to-be-announced markets like Dubai, India, and Ireland, where the discussion is lively, and the group is diverse. Or, individual course work taken online, on demand to match your work-life balancing act. All leading to the distinction of Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional!

As one of my favorite Business Authors – Price Pritchett – used to say: “Some careers don’t even get a chance to change. They simply disappear. Become a perpetual student or risk becoming obsolete.”

Drop us a line at support@thewisemarketer.com and we’ll see if we can help. 

Mike Capizzi is a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™ and Dean of the Loyalty Academy. He is the most accomplished educational professional in the loyalty industry – over 1,000 students, in more than 15 countries, in-person and on-line, author, speaker, and thought leader; plus, a member of the adjunct faculty in Marketing at five different US universities.