The Loyalty Academy is offering a scholarship to the global loyalty community.


Loyalty Academy Scholarship Announced

We are extremely excited to announce our first ever scholarship offer to the global loyalty community.  In cooperation with Let’s Talk Loyalty with Paula Thomas, our podcast partner, we will be awarding one lucky loyalty professional a full scholarship to earn their Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™ (CLMP) credentials for FREE! The CLMP scholarship, valued at US$1,750 retail, will be awarded via random drawing on September 21, 2020 and announced shortly thereafter!

Paula Thomas, host of Let's Talk Loyalty

The Scholarship is a celebration of the One Year Anniversary of Let’s Talk Loyalty, the most insightful and comprehensive podcast in the global loyalty industry. To enter the random drawing no purchase is required, but you will need to register for the Let’s Talk Loyalty newsletter. Full details about the scholarship event and the registration form are available online.

The One Year Anniversary podcast will feature Graeme Thomson, Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Loyalty Academy, and an original partner in Wise Marketer Group. Graeme will discuss some of the many accomplishments that the Academy has achieved in its brief history and outline the CLMP program. He will be joined by Emily Ong, Regional Loyalty Product Owner for Sephora Asia, herself a CLMP, who will give listeners an overview of her own experience with the program. The podcast will air on August 20 and is available on the Let’s Talk Loyalty website. As always, it will be re-broadcast by The Wise Marketer. Join us! And register to win the first ever CLMP scholarship!

Let’s Talk Loyalty™ with Paula Thomas, CLMP, has recorded and released 50 episodes featuring loyalty industry professionals from around the world. Show downloads have exceeded 16,000 during this inaugural year. The audience has enjoyed listening to industry experts offering points of view relevant to the global loyalty industry and represent 83 different countries and every customer facing marketing channel. The show is sponsored by the Wise Marketer.

Depiction of CLMPs across the world

“I worked for eight years running some huge loyalty programs in Ireland, “says Ms. Thomas. “But with no formal training, I always wondered if I was doing enough for our members. When I finally found the Loyalty Academy™ and completed my CLMP studies, I was so delighted to feel that I now had a comprehensive foundation of knowledge that confirmed everything I knew and added plenty of useful insights too! I’m so thrilled to be able to offer one lucky professional the same fantastic education as a scholarship in partnership with the Loyalty Academy.”  

Since 2015, 169 loyalty marketers in 20 different countries have earned the Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™ (CLMP) designation through the Loyalty Academy’s digital and in-person education and corporate training programs. The complete listing of the CLMP community includes loyalty industry veterans with more than 20 years’ experience and newcomers to the profession who needed a solid foundation to build upon their current loyalty assignments. The community continues to grow each month and the scholarship will enable one more professional to join this elite group of loyalty marketers.